The construction of the large Marati Kvartal began in Kopli at the gate of the Põhjala factory. The construction company is Fund Ehitus - Scandium

The construction of the large Marati Kvartal began in Kopli at the gate of the Põhjala factory. The construction company is Fund Ehitus

The construction of the large Marati Kvartal began in Kopli at the gate of the Põhjala factory. The construction company is Fund Ehitus

Next to the main gate of the Põhjala factory, the construction of the spacious Marati Kvartal began. A total of 76 apartments, business premises, a large 24-7 Fitness gym, a wide promenade and a park area will be built here. The developer is Scandium Kinnisvara and the construction company is Fund Ehitus. The buildings will be completed at the end of 2025. The investment for building the quarter is nearly 15 million euros. 

“Marati Kvartal is a very large, exciting project where we will create both guest apartments and commercial premises. The Põhjala factory, which is located next to us and is increasingly diversifying, offers an excellent working environment, where hundreds of people already work today. Here, we create an opportunity to purchase apartments in an active area and be among the first to take part in a rapidly developing environment. In addition, we bring added value in the form of a long-awaited large gym, where both people living and working in the area can exercise,” said Maido Lüiste, founder and CEO of Scandium Kinnisvara.

CEO of Fund Ehitus, Reigo Marosov: “The top of the Kopli peninsula is an area we know well. We have been operating on Kopli lines successfully for a long time; now we are happy to make a big contribution to Marati street next to Põhjala factory together with Scandium. It is a special urban space in the context of the whole of Europe, which will soon become a new center of attraction in Tallinn.”

Marati Kvartal’s buildings will be up to four stories high, plus an underground parking floor. The upper floors facing the sea and the roof terraces offer a view of the sea, the opposite shore of the bay and the harbor. In the perspective of the future, it is the first milestone and gateway to the area of ​​the large Bekker harbor area by the sea, which will be re-planned into a business and residential area.

The architects of Marati Kvartal are Guru Projekt and Apex Architecture Office. The authors of the diverse interior architecture of the buildings are Galina Burnakova and Aet Grigorjev, whose developed solution, among other things, pays homage to the industrial heritage of the Nordic factory. Sales of apartments and letting out of commercial premises have started. The quarter will be completed at the end of 2025.

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